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Class com.nosuch.midi.Alg
- public class Alg
- extends Object
MidiAlgorithm collects some algorithmic composition functions.
addRootEvery(MidiPhrase, int)
- Arpeggiate the input phrase.
cutTime(MidiPhrase, long)
- Return all notes after a specified time
cutTime(MidiPhrase, long, long)
- Return a specified time range of a phrase
echo(MidiPhrase, int, int, double)
everyNth(MidiPhrase, int)
- Return a phrase containing every Nth note of a phrase
everyRandomNth(MidiPhrase, int)
- Return a phrase containing a random selection of notes,
choosing approximately 1 of every n notes.
- Flip the input phrase.
- Return the highest pitch in the specified phrase.
- Return the highest pitch in the specified phrase.
- Return the latest ending time of the notes in a phrase.
- Return the lowest pitch in the specified phrase.
- Return the lowest-pitched note in the specified phrase.
makeRootEvery(MidiPhrase, int)
- Figure out a root note every intrvl beats
merge(MidiPhrase, MidiPhrase)
merge(MidiPhrase, MidiPhrase, MidiPhrase)
merge(MidiPhrase, MidiPhrase, MidiPhrase, MidiPhrase)
mono(MidiPhrase, int)
- Returns a monophonic version of the specified phrase.
nextquant(long, long)
- This function quantizes the specified number using the specified
quantize value, and returns the result.
- Return a phrase containing "non" notes (e.g.
numquant(long, long)
- Quantizes the specified number using a particular quantize value.
octaveFence(MidiPhrase, int, int)
- Try to put all notes within the limits of pitches p1,p2
This is accomplished by shifting notes in octave increments.
onBeat(MidiPhrase, long)
- Return a phrase containing notes that are on a particular beat.
- Return a phrase containing only "normal" notes in the input phrase.
progchange(int, int)
- Return a program-change message.
quantize(MidiPhrase, int)
- Quantize a phrase.
repeat(MidiPhrase, int)
- Repeat a phrase n times.
repeat(MidiPhrase, int, int)
scaTimes(MidiPhrase, double)
- Scale a phrase by multiplying the time and duration
each note by a specified factor.
- Return a phrase of notes based on the letters in a String
stutter(MidiPhrase, int, int)
- For each section of phrase ph of width wid, repeat it num times
- For each section (of random width, within a small range
of possible widths) of phrase ph, repeat it
sussect(long, int)
- Generate a phrase with controller messages that press the sustain
pedal on the specified channel (c) and let it up after the specified
amount of time (tm).
transpose(MidiPhrase, int)
- Transpos the pitch of the notes in a phrase by a given amount.
transposeSeqInPlace(MidiPhrase, MidiPhrase)
public Alg()
public static MidiPhrase flip(MidiPhrase p)
- Flip the input phrase.
public static MidiPhrase arpeggio(MidiPhrase p)
- Arpeggiate the input phrase.
public static MidiPhrase repeat(MidiPhrase p,
int n)
- Repeat a phrase n times.
public static MidiPhrase repeat(MidiPhrase p,
int n,
int q)
public static MidiPhrase echo(MidiPhrase ph,
int num,
int rtime,
double rfactor)
public static MidiPhrase onlyNotes(MidiPhrase p)
- Return a phrase containing only "normal" notes in the input phrase.
public static MidiPhrase nonNotes(MidiPhrase p)
- Return a phrase containing "non" notes (e.g. MidiBytes)
in the input phrase.
public static int lowest(MidiPhrase p)
- Return the lowest pitch in the specified phrase.
public static MidiMsg lowestnt(MidiPhrase p)
- Return the lowest-pitched note in the specified phrase.
public static int highest(MidiPhrase p)
- Return the highest pitch in the specified phrase.
public static MidiMsg highestnt(MidiPhrase p)
- Return the highest pitch in the specified phrase.
public static MidiMsg findRoot(MidiPhrase ph)
public static MidiPhrase makeRootEvery(MidiPhrase melody,
int intrvl)
- Figure out a root note every intrvl beats
public static MidiPhrase addRootEvery(MidiPhrase mel,
int intrvl)
public static MidiPhrase cutTime(MidiPhrase p,
long tm1,
long tm2)
- Return a specified time range of a phrase
public static MidiPhrase cutTime(MidiPhrase p,
long tm1)
- Return all notes after a specified time
public static MidiPhrase stutter(MidiPhrase ph,
int wid,
int num)
- For each section of phrase ph of width wid, repeat it num times
public static MidiPhrase merge(MidiPhrase p1,
MidiPhrase p2)
public static MidiPhrase merge(MidiPhrase p1,
MidiPhrase p2,
MidiPhrase p3)
public static MidiPhrase merge(MidiPhrase p1,
MidiPhrase p2,
MidiPhrase p3,
MidiPhrase p4)
public static MidiPhrase stutterrand(MidiPhrase ph)
- For each section (of random width, within a small range
of possible widths) of phrase ph, repeat it
public static MidiPhrase transpose(MidiPhrase p,
int delta)
- Transpos the pitch of the notes in a phrase by a given amount.
public static long latest(MidiPhrase p)
- Return the latest ending time of the notes in a phrase.
public static MidiPhrase transposeSeqInPlace(MidiPhrase p,
MidiPhrase seq)
public static long numquant(long v,
long q)
- Quantizes the specified number using a particular quantize value.
If you want to guarantee that the result is not less than the
original (which is typical when you are quantizing a time value
and want to guarantee that the result is some time in the future),
use nextquant().
public static long nextquant(long t,
long q)
- This function quantizes the specified number using the specified
quantize value, and returns the result. The result is guaranteed to
be greater than the original number; if quantization would produce
a smaller number, it is increased by the quantize value. This is
typically used when you want to quantize a time value, and want to
guarantee that the result will refer to some time in the future,
not in the past.
public static MidiPhrase quantize(MidiPhrase ph,
int qnt)
- Quantize a phrase. Each note's starting time will be
quantized by the specified quant value. If a limit
is specified, notes that would need to be moved by an
amount larger than this limit will not be adjusted at all.
public static MidiPhrase octaveFence(MidiPhrase ph,
int p1,
int p2)
- Try to put all notes within the limits of pitches p1,p2
This is accomplished by shifting notes in octave increments.
public static MidiPhrase scaTimes(MidiPhrase ph,
double f)
- Scale a phrase by multiplying the time and duration
each note by a specified factor.
public static MidiPhrase[] split(MidiPhrase p)
public static MidiPhrase mono(MidiPhrase ph,
int typ)
- Returns a monophonic version of the specified phrase.
If type==0, high notes are given priority (e.g. if two notes are
playing simultaneously, the higher note will be chosen).
If type==1, low notes are given priority. If type==2,
the priority is randomized.
public static MidiPhrase everyNth(MidiPhrase p,
int n)
- Return a phrase containing every Nth note of a phrase
public static MidiPhrase everyRandomNth(MidiPhrase p,
int n)
- Return a phrase containing a random selection of notes,
choosing approximately 1 of every n notes.
public static MidiPhrase onBeat(MidiPhrase p,
long d)
- Return a phrase containing notes that are on a particular beat.
public static MidiPhrase progchange(int patchnum,
int ch)
- Return a program-change message.
patchnum is 1-based, ch (channel) is 1-based
public static MidiPhrase gvolchange(int v)
public static MidiPhrase sussect(long tm,
int c)
- Generate a phrase with controller messages that press the sustain
pedal on the specified channel (c) and let it up after the specified
amount of time (tm).
public static MidiPhrase strnotes(String s)
- Return a phrase of notes based on the letters in a String
public static void main(String args[])
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